Preventive cardiac monitoring.

Wearable exercise ECG monitoring for primary and secondary preventive care through FDA cleared and patented dry electrode technology.

“The biggest personal advantage I see is the lack of stickers to deal with. The NimbleHeart harness was faster and quicker to put on and take off. It treated this hairy guy with kid gloves!”
“I almost forgot I had a monitor on me (during exercise)!“
“I’ve been using Physiotrace for the last 3 months after contacting Covid-19 with shortness of breath symptoms. Having a remote monitoring during this pandemic time period is critical, when people want to stay safe.”
“Can't wait to replace the old system. It's more practical and simple and comfortable than the old unit by far.“
“I liked it so much better. It was not in the way and I didn't have to contend with the glue from the electrodes that irritate my skin.“

NimbleHeart delivered second version of Male and Female ECG harnesses to NASA. The following patch was created by NASA AMES research center team to honor our partnership.


Cardiology 2.0, an online Cardiology publication, in their special issue on Cardiac monitoring has recognized NimbleHeart as one of the leading companies that are changing the frontiers of Cardiac Monitoring.


Sonal Tambe
Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer


Dr. Pramod Deshmukh, MD

Co-founder and Clinical Advisor


News & Events

Sept 2024

NimbleHeart launches preventive cardiac screening of individuals at risk


June 2024

NimbleHeart receives technology patent in India